Jumat, 16 April 2010 di 8:12:00 AM | 0 komentar  

Westlife are an Irish pop group formed on 3 July 1998. The group's original lineup comprised Mark Feehily, Shane Filan, Kian Egan, Nicky Byrne and Brian McFadden, who left in 2004. Though none of Westlife's members play an instrument full-time, Egan plays guitar on stage, and Byrne has been seen to play drums. Filan and Feehily sing lead vocals. Egan also is seen playing the piano in the videoclip to the song Angel.
The group is the only act in UK history to have their first seven singles go straight to Number 1, and they have gone on to sell over 43 million records worldwide which includes their studio, single, video, and compilation albums. Despite the group's worldwide success, they've only had one U.S. hit on the Billboard Hot 100 charts: "Swear It Again," which made it to #20 in 2000.
Westlife were originally signed by Simon Cowell and are currently managed by Louis Walsh. In 2008, they were declared as Ireland's ninth-richest celebrities under 30 years old and 13th in general with 36 million euros as a group.In 2009, they dropped as 16th richest Irish with estimated 8 million euros each. They garnered 14 number one singles in the United Kingdom, the third-highest in UK history, tying with Cliff Richard and trailing behind only Elvis Presley and The Beatles. The group has also broken a few top records, including "Music artist with most consecutive number 1's in the UK" and the "Biggest selling arena act in the Wembley Arena". (See Westlife records)
Over years of their career, Westlife's music has evolved from teen pop to a pop sound, with an emphasis on ballads. Most of the group's hits have been composed by experienced songwriters, most notably Steve Mac and Wayne Hector. (See Songs written)
On 1 June 2008, Westlife marked their 10th anniversary with a concert in Croke Park, Dublin which saw more than 83,000 fans attending the special occasion. Music Week revealed on their website that Westlife is the official third top touring act within the years 2005–2008, while they were 7th top touring act of 2008.
Diposting oleh Phen"

Bentrokan dipicu rencana Pemerintah Provinsi DKI menggusur sebagian lokasi makam Mbah Priuk yang dikeramatkan. Warga, terutama mereka yang mengatasnamakan ahli waris tanah tersebut, berusaha mempertahankan Mbah Priuk.

Kuasa hukum ahli waris makam Mbah Priuk, Zulhendrihasan, mengatakan, tanah ini awalnya makam Habib Hasan bin Muhammad Al Haddad. Saudagar Arab itu meninggal tahun 1756 karena kapalnya terkena badai di laut utara Jakarta.

Saat Habib Hasan dimakamkan, batu nisannya adalah dayung patah dan ”periuk” nasi milik Habib Hasan. Di makam itu juga ditanam bunga tanjung. Zulhendrihasan meyakini hal inilah awal dari penyebutan nama Tanjung Priok.

Sebelum tahun 1997, lokasi itu merupakan Tempat Pemakaman Umum (TPU) Dobo yang diisi oleh 28.500 unit makam. Luas TPU dan kawasan sekitarnya mencapai 145,2 hektar dan berada di Jalan Dobo, Jakarta Utara. Para ahli waris Habib Hasan mengklaim tanah itu sebagai milik mereka berdasarkan hak Eigendom Verponding No 4341 dan No 1780.

Sementara pihak PT Pelindo II mengklaim tanah itu berdasarkan sertifikat Hak Pengelolaan Nomor 1/Koja Utara, yang diterbitkan Kantor Pertanahan Jakarta Utara pada 21 Januari 1987. Dengan sertifikat itu, PT Pelindo II berniat memperluas terminal bongkar muat peti kemas sesuai dengan rencana induk pelabuhan.

Mendengar hal itu, pihak ahli waris melakukan protes dan memeriksa status kepemilikan tanah ke Kantor Pertanahan Jakarta Utara. Kantor Pertanahan Jakarta Utara mengeluarkan surat No 182/09.05/HTPT yang menyatakan bahwa status tertulis tanah di Jalan Dobo itu atas nama Gouvernement Van Nederlandch Indie dan telah diterbitkan sertifikat hak pengelolaan No 1/Koja Utara atas nama Perum Pelabuhan II.

Pada periode 1995-1997, sebanyak 28.500 kerangka dipindahkan ke TPU Budidarma, Semper, Jakarta Utara. Pada 21 Agustus 1997, kerangka Habib Hasan juga dipindah ke TPU Budidarma.

Namun, pada September 1999, ahli waris kembali membangun makam Mbah Priuk di lokasi lama serta sebuah pendopo tanpa izin Pelindo II dan tanpa izin mendirikan bangunan (IMB). Makam itu sering dikunjungi orang untuk berdoa dan berziarah.

Pada tahun 2001, Habib Muhammad bin Achmad sebagai ahli waris Habib Hasan mengajukan gugatan atas tanah tersebut ke Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Utara dengan nomor perkara 245/Pdt.G/2001/PN.Jkt.Ut melawan PT Pelindo II. Namun, PN Jakarta Utara menolak gugatan itu. Setelah itu, pihak ahli waris tidak mengajukan banding sehingga putusan pengadilan memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap dan hak atas tanah itu menjadi milik PT Pelindo II.

Pada 2010, PT Pelindo II meminta bantuan hukum dari Pemprov DKI untuk membongkar bangunan pendopo dan karena tidak memiliki IMB dan kawasan itu akan dijadikan perluasan terminal peti kemas. Makam akan diperluas dan dipercantik sehingga tetap dapat dikunjungi untuk ziarah warga.

Kerusuhan antara Satpol PP dengan warga masyarakat yang mempertahakan makam Mbah Priok yang digusur oleh beberapa kalangan dikatakan merupakan bentuk kegagalan Pemerintah Kota Jakarta Utara dan Satpol PP dalam membaca potensi kerusuhan. Pihak pengeksekusi seharusnya bisa mengantisipasi kerusuhan sebelum dilakukan eksekusi.

Sebaiknya pihak Satpol PP atau pihak yang akan mengeksekusi tanah tersebut melakukan pendekatan baik secara psikologis maupun pendekatan sosial dengan warga dan tokoh masyarakat.

Pendekatan itu tentunya merupakan kajian analisis untuk langkah selanjutnya. Bukan hanya mengerahkan ratusan petugas dang langsung menerobos barikade warga.

Bila itu dilakukan, jelas merupakan perbuatan konyol. Karena, makam Mbah Priok merupakan situs dan simbol keagungan sejarah dalam penyebaran agama Islam di Nusantara. Dan, pendukungnya jelas mempunyai keyakinan yang tinggi untuk mempertahankannya. Bilamana perlu, nyawa yang menjadi taruhannya. Warga benar-benar telah siap dengan segala kemungkinan.

Sebaliknya, para anggota Satpol PP. Mereka datang sekedar hanya melaksanakan perintah atasan. Apabila menolak perintah tersebut, jelas indisipliner atau malah pemecatan resikonya. Jadi, motivasi bentrok sendiri sudah berlainan. Maka, tak heran bila yang menjadi korban lebih banyak adalah petugas Satpol PP.

Oleh karena itu, peristiwa yang mengenaskan tersebut hendaknya cepat-cepat diselesaikan agar tidak meluas dampaknya, baik politik, sosial, maupun ekonomi. Jangan sampai kasus Koja menjadi peristiwa Mei 1998 menjadi terulang.

Diposting oleh Phen"
Rabu, 09 Desember 2009 di 7:34:00 PM | 0 komentar  
Graduation (Friends Forever)

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone
And we would get so excitedand we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
From whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever

So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels

[Repeat 1]

La, la, la, la:
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la:
We will still be friends forever

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

[Repeat 1 (3x)]
Diposting oleh Phen"
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Diposting oleh Phen"
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah oh
Ah ah ah ah

I always knew you were the best
The coolest girl I know
So prettier than all the rest
The star of my show
So many times I wished
You'd be the one for me
But never knew it'd get like this
Girl what you do to me

You're who I'm thinkin of
Girl, you ain't my runner up
And no matter what you're always number one

My prize possession
One and only
Adore you girl i want you
The one I cant live without
That's you that's you

You're my special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you
My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl

You're used to goin out your way
To impress these Mr. wrongs
So you can be yourself with me
I'll take you as you are
I know they said believe in love
It's a dream that cant be real
So girl let's write a fairytale
And show them how it feels

You're who I'm thinkin of
Girl you ain't my runner up
And no matter what you're always number one

My prize possession
One and only
Adore you girl I want you
The one I cant live without
That's you that's you

You're my special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls Ive ever known
It's you, it's you
My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl

Baby it's you
My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl

You take my breath away
With everything you say
I just wanna be with you
My baby my baby, oh
Promise to play no games
Treat you no other way
Than you deserve 'cause you're the girl of my dreams

My prize possession
One and only
Adore you girl I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you that's you

You're my special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you

My prize possession
One and only
Adore you girl I want you (i want you)
The one I can't live without
That's you (that's you), that's you (that's you)

You're my special little lady (you're my special little lady)
The one that makes me crazy (the one that makes me crazy)
Of all the girls I've ever known, (oh)
It's you, it's you
(You're my favorite girl)
My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl
(Favorite girl)

My favorite, my favorite (favorite girl)
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl

Favorite girl

Oh, oh, oh
Diposting oleh Phen"
